
Saturday, January 01, 2011


In 2010 I learned a lot, I made some mistakes, I reached some goals , I loved, I laughed, I cried, and I have no regrets. The new year is full of promise and opportunity and I welcome it with open arms.

Today I went back and read my goals from last year. Here they are below. I think I did pretty good working on some of these.

*Spend more meaningful time with my family. I want to be mindful that it doesn't take alot of money or some far away destination to make memories together.

My reflection on this :We did some day trips, did a beach trip on a budget, all girls weekend trip, watched movies together, played games together. And got back to eating dinner in the dining room together. 

*Take more pictures of the older kids.

My reflection on this: I did a little better but I still have room for improvement. I feel like this year I took less pictures in general.

*Work on projects at the house. We have been in our house going on 6 years this June. There are things that need repairing and sprucing up.

My reflection on this: We painted all the boys bedrooms, hall bath, kitchen, dining room, guest bath. We replaced the old stove and microwave.

*Continuing my fitness and weightloss goals.

My reflection: I rocked this! Exercise is apart of my life now. I love my runs and going to boot camp. I am stronger and healthier than I have ever been.

I am still thinking on my goals for 2011. These things on my mind right now .

*Start to buy more natural foods and prepare more from scratch meals. Experiment with new healthy recipes for the family.

*Continue on my fitness journey. Push myself and become stronger. Use my experience to help others.

*Declutter and organize. We have some drawers and closets that need some serious work.

Just for something different. I am going to attempt to post 1 picture everyday for the month of January. These will just be random things some will be from my iphone because sometimes it's what I have handy. I hope to make it through the first month of 2011 and repeat it in December too. So here is today's pictures. For lunch we made homemade marinara sauce and used the pasta and Parmesan cheese Brian got as a Christmas gift from a salesman at work.  The next picture is a apple pie before going in the oven. I made it from things we already had. It tasted pretty good with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.