
Friday, October 14, 2011

Beautiful Inside and Out

Thursday night I baked this celebration cake. We were celebrating Macy was chosen to be in the High School Homecoming court. She is one of 2 freshman picked. I am over the moon happy for her. Beauty from within shines so bright, I am so proud of her. Homecoming is Oct 28th so you bet you will be seeing lots of pictures.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

On my soap box

I hear a lot of women say they just can't lose weight and how they wish they could. Usually I try to encourage them with if the statement .If I can do it, anyone can and I really do believe that. Women seem to want a quick fix , a magic pill or surgery to just make it happen for them. Then if it fails they have something else to blame it on.

The show Biggest Loser has been preaching that majority weight loss surgery patients lose muscle along with fat. If they do gain back the weight they are even more unhealthy because of all the fat and having less muscle mass. Season after season they have people on the show who are weight loss surgery failures so there obviously must be a good number of these people in the US.  I am not saying that there aren't people who take the opportunity to lose a good bit of weight  and begin an exercise program and never look back. But truth be told you don't need surgery to get the same result.

People's excuses drive me crazy. I just want to shake them and say GET REAL! I restrain myself because you can't really do this to people but man it's what I am thinking. If you tell me you can't lose weight it's because you are not trying hard enough. Exercise, healthy food (veggies,fruit,lean meats ) and plenty of water everyday will lead to weight loss. It will not all fall of instantly but it will come off in time.

I do get defensive if people ask or assume I have had weightloss surgery. I am quick to correct them and let them know I worked for every single pound. Self discipline and sweat not surgery. My journey started on Nov. 1 2008 and I am closing in on 3 years. Sometimes it feels like longer but I am so glad I started when I did and there is no going back!

Here are the proof in pictures. Sometimes I forget where I started from. What a reminder!

I am still struggling with 20 pounds I want to lose. I inquired at the gym about the new weightloss group they started and the girl laughed at me. She said I would make the others feel bad if I went. I explained my struggle with the last bit of weight and she looked at me like I was crazy. She said I could teach the class, nice compliment.Most people don't get my desire to lose the next 20 but for me it's just finishing up what I started. It will help my running and future fitness goals.

I have realized that I am craving sugar at night. I am trying to break this bad habit or replace it with fruit, lower calorie options or distracting myself and not giving in. It's good be realistic with yourself why your not getting the results you want. I am trying to tweak my eating again. Reduce the carbs and sugars and be honest and own up to what I do eat. Back to tracking calories to keep me accountable. I really need to work on not going so long without food to, I get busy and forget then I am very hungry at meal time and eat a larger portion. Theses changes will help me to slowly get the ball rolling on the last twenty.

Focusing on diet is critical right now because I am injured. Over the weekend I shut my left foot in the car door and now I have a beautiful black boot to wear. I am hoping to only be limited for a few weeks but to have no cardio could be very bad. I did an upper body and ab workout yesterday and worked up quite the sweat. This won't hold me back for long I will just find ways to over come.

This is my little space in the cyber word. I write about things on my mind. It is CHANGING from being all about kids to be about WHATEVER I want to talk about. The kids are in school full time and things are just humming along. Nothing really to report right now but when there is I will do so don't worry they aren't forgotten about. 

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

My favorite

I want to introduce you to a blog that I always look forward to each post.  Liz is my kind of girl and we think alot alike. She shops at all my favorite stores like Ross, Kirklands, Hobby Lobby and so on and buys all the things that I myself would be eyeballing.Good thing she is in Seattle or we'd be fist fighting over items in the decor aisle! The great thing about Liz is she buys things when they are marked down or on a good sale. She brings home all these fabulous treasures and makes them look like the expensive designer pieces just buy adding her own touches.

Now I will warn you I think she might have a team of maids that live in one of her closets in that gorgeous new house. My reasoning is with 4 beautiful daughters and Husband plus all that shopping and decorating she manages to keep her house magazine picture perfect all the time. I am not hating her I am just jealous. Haha. 

I encourage you to follow her blog and comment that MOONMANIA sent you over. You must see her house turn into Christmas Wonderland! It should be on a home tour and in magazines for sure. I keep reading her blog post hoping maybe one day she introduces us to her personal cleaning crew . Even if she doesn't share her secret I am hooked on her ideas, style and love for all things Tuscan. Pop over and check it out yourself!

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Iphone Photos

I am getting to be one of those people who rarely has my good camera with me. Every night when I plug in my iphone it downloads whatever random pictures I have taken each day. Here are a few from the last few days.

 Brian  took it upon himself that he needed to correctly set up the checkerboard at Cracker Barrel as we were leaving. His random act of kindness or was it his touch of OCD  ? He can always make me laugh.
This is Tony Hawk's replacement. I never dreamed that Collin would take to skateboarding like a fish to water. He practices every single day and has made great improvements. I am asked 1,000 times a day to come watch his latest trick.
 By the 6th child you pick your battles with even less effort. Yes he is wearing long sleeves and shorts with crocs in October. He dressed himself and most likely his underwear is on backwards too. He prefers to be able to see the picture on the front and as long as the underwear are clean who does it hurt? Hudson may have eating 1/2 a box of animal crackers on the way home from the grocery store but he washed it all down with a bottle of water. Somewhat healthy, I guess.  My younger self would have never let any of this happen but I live by "don't sweat the small stuff" motto now.
Despite being sore from my previous workouts I was determined to get in my 5 mile run Friday. I took some fast walk breaks but I pushed through even when my thighs were screaming STOP. Work outs have been fairly good lately. Some days are just long runs or spin class but it's a good sweat and great cardio. It's good for me to switch it up and keep it fresh.