Wednesday, October 05, 2011
My favorite
I want to introduce you to a blog that I always look forward to each post. Liz is my kind of girl and we think alot alike. She shops at all my favorite stores like Ross, Kirklands, Hobby Lobby and so on and buys all the things that I myself would be eyeballing.Good thing she is in Seattle or we'd be fist fighting over items in the decor aisle! The great thing about Liz is she buys things when they are marked down or on a good sale. She brings home all these fabulous treasures and makes them look like the expensive designer pieces just buy adding her own touches.
Now I will warn you I think she might have a team of maids that live in one of her closets in that gorgeous new house. My reasoning is with 4 beautiful daughters and Husband plus all that shopping and decorating she manages to keep her house magazine picture perfect all the time. I am not hating her I am just jealous. Haha.
I encourage you to follow her blog and comment that MOONMANIA sent you over. You must see her house turn into Christmas Wonderland! It should be on a home tour and in magazines for sure. I keep reading her blog post hoping maybe one day she introduces us to her personal cleaning crew . Even if she doesn't share her secret I am hooked on her ideas, style and love for all things Tuscan. Pop over and check it out yourself!