
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Finishing what I started

Who is that girl? Working out on vacation, your kidding?

I watched the Final four episode of The Biggest Loser last night. It was so inspiring to me and I could relate on many levels. For months I have been is a state of confusion over is where I am right now my goal. I have grown increasingly unhappy with calling this place "it" for me and as I watched the show last night it became clear to me I am not there yet.
2nd Place finish for 30-34 yr old females

I have become comfortable in my life now. My eating and my exercise are routine and familiar.  It's going to take some extra dedication to get things moving again. There's going to have to be some close attention to calories,sodium,water intake and protein protein protein!

Protein powder is not as bad as I feared.And I am used to it now.
I know I will hear comments for others. I know I will have to defend myself . Yes, I have come a long way but I must cross the finish line. This is the time in my life where I must finish what I started so I can move forward with my other goals I have set for myself.

1st 5k in the freezing cold and snow flurries
Just like when I started this I given myself a date to get serious. A line drawn in the sand so to speak.I have several changes in the works for my workouts. I am dropping the Boot camp which have have done for 1 1/2 years. I am giving up my 24 hour gym membership but have joined the large YMCA with my family.  I have the triathlon on schedule for August but will still do 5k races every month .  I am ready for this challenge. I am not sure what I will do for my goal reward but I will have plenty of time to dream it up as I am running,biking and swimming in the coming months. It's amazing what all you can think about while your swimming 16 laps straight. There's not much sound and not much to look at it's just you and your thoughts.
12 miles on the bike in under an hour

Some people will call this obsessed but I am calling it driven. This journey has been a 2 1/2 year trial and error. It has been done slowly and with health being the #1 goal. Nothing has changed there. There is no end to this fight for me but the lifestyle changes that I have made make it doable for the rest of my days.
From the beginning July 2008
To now taken April 2011

I don't have the Biggest Loser $250,000 prize that depends on me getting to my goal but the gift of health I am giving myself and my family is priceless. I couldn't have done this journey without the love and support of these guys. They have been my encouragement and strength when I wanted to give up.