In the first picture you should see 3 circus dogs. Oh I am only joking those dogs are my parents youngest babies. The black pug is named Belle and she fits in so perfectly with our crazy family. Belle is a recuse dog that came into the family just about a month ago. She is tiny in comparison to the other dogs but she is starting to fatten up a little. Belle was meant to be in the Fortenberry family because we are no strangers to odd medical issues and Belle came with her fair share. She has limited eye sight in one eye and the other eye she is currently battling with a eye ulcer.But through it all Belle is so laid back and content with everything. I am sure she might be bit confused why she must dress in clothes everyday after being nude for her first 5 years of life. But with her carefree attitude she humors my Mom and goes along with the other dogs.
The other dogs a Polly and Toby. Toby also a rescue has only 1 eye, he lost the other from neglect by his previous owner. It seems Toby is like most men he thinks he is still slim and trim and he tries to squeeze into small spaces often knocking things over in the process.
Polly a true princess in her own mind. She thinks if you sit down its because you want to hold her. I have to remind her often that I prefer not to wear a fur coat on my lap.
The second picture is Macy and Molly on the climbing walls at Girl Scout camp. Yes that is Molly at the very top. Macy also made it to the top. I was pretty surprised Molly made it all the way up being her legs have been her biggest problem since developing JRA 6 years ago. I am not sure where they get these athletic abilities but I am thrilled that they are able to do these things through girl scouting.
I kinda of fell into the position of being a Girl Scout leader somewhat by default several years ago. But I love the opportunity it gives to my daughters to be involved in and do things that they wouldn't do otherwise. The encouragement to go after their dreams and try new things. It was heart warming to watch our troop cheer each other on as they each tried to get to the top of the climbing walls. The sense of self and pride they get out of so many different girl scout activities is awesome. The girls are also involved in doing service projects. In this day and age kids need to be reminded that there are others in need and the world does not just revolve around them. The girls love their troop and I can see them having a bond forever.
And last this is just a cute picture of Collin. He is getting so big, most people are shocked he is only 2 going on 3 years old in September. He is enjoying summer with the big kids. He loves the water park and often just goes right up to other kids and starts talking trying to make friends. His world is about to change but I think he will be an awesome Big Brother.
Oh and 32 days left. I am getting more and more ready to have Hudson here. I think it will be nice to let someone else carry him around for a bit.