
Friday, September 02, 2011

The week in review

What a busy week it has been. But just like the picture of Woody below we are still hanging on by a string.I found this in Huddy's room this week and thought it was pretty cute.

On to the workouts on Monday I rested. I did not sleep well at all the night before so I took my off day on Monday rather than Tuesday . I just managed to do the chores I needed to do around here and called it an early night to get some better sleep.*Edit* I posted this and went on my way then it dawned on me. I didn't really REST Monday!  I cleaned out the dining room top to bottom,rearranged the furniture,straightened the closet and cooked a big yummy meal of BBQ chicken,scallop cheesy potatoes, man n cheese, and beans and muffins to celebrate Molly being voted 6th grade Secretary. So not so much rest on Monday just no gym time.

Tuesday was another jam packed day. Hudson begged to go to the gym so I loaded him up and off we went. I had just gotten ready for my swim when the power at the gym went out . Gym rules are that you must leave the gym if the power is out so within 30 minutes we were headed back home. We stopped by the grocery store to get stuff for dinner. Three of the kids had dentist appointments after school so I knew if I precooked dinner the night would be less hectic. I decided to make both chili and crock pot potato soup with cornbread. By time I got all the cooking done it was a rush to the shower so I was ready when the kids came home on the bus. I wore my gym clothes to the dentist with the plan for Brian to meet me at the gym to get the school kids so I could get in my daily workout.

I made up for my Monday off with a hard workout Tuesday night. I did an 5k interval run where at some point I was running a 7.0 elevation on the treadmill. I finished my run  in 29 minutes even with the hills. I did some strength exercise using kettle bells , crunches and squats. I then knocked out 3 miles on level 10 resistance on the bike. I was drench with sweat but it was nice to get in such a hard workout.

Wednesday night was spin class with Dee. This is becoming one of my favorite classes. I love this lady's attitude . She is a bigger girl but really has a great positive attitude . I pushed myself hard during class and my legs were screaming at me but I was able to finish strong and that felt great.

Thursday was my 2nd day off this week. I had a hair appointment and errands to run. For the hair I went with a dark blonde for fall no major cut just a trim as I am growing it out again. The color is a big change for me and I am not sure I like it yet. Maybe it will grow on my over time but for now I am not sure.

I won't be getting another day off this weekend since I already took these. Today (Fridays) workout will be a swim and run when the kids get home from school. Our day started early with Hudson getting sick in my bed . He's been feeling bad all day so we have been home hanging out . He hasn't thrown up again since this morning but has a upset tummy now. I hope this is something that ends quickly and doesn't spread. I don't want my weekend to be all about laundry and sick folks. Wish us luck. Oh and you can beat we will be saying ROLL TIDE on Saturday.:)