
Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas was excellent ! Kids were happy and thankful with the gifts. Santa's sleigh brought in some snow for us on Christmas Day. It was enough for snowballs and snowmen. In the first picture I rushed the kids outside as soon as I noticed the snow flakes flying. It was the first white Christmas I can remember. The pictures of the kids in the snow were later in the day on Christmas Day.

On to the excitement on Christmas morning!!

Hudson was cute with his gifts and walking around stealing everyone's loot. He would say "This is Huddy's" and start to walk off with it . He loved his Power Wheels jeep, Toy Story Jessie doll, and guitar from Santa. He loved the toys from Mom and Daddy too.

Collin was thrilled with his remote control truck, his wii game, and is in love with his Paper Jamz Guitar and Drum set from Santa.

Parker was the happiest I have ever seen him on Christmas. He got a super neat remote control car, new bedding, new wii remote and game and a book he's been begging for all just from Santa. 

Molly got alot of stuff for her room like a lamp and picture. She got a wii game called U draw and Fur real Panda bear. Plus lots of other stuff from Mom and Dad.

Macy racked up with a 32" flat screen tv! Santa knew she had been really good this year . She got new bedding and curtains for her room. Lots of makeup and some clothes too.

Logan got some new games for his xbox and alot of clothes. He got a really nice watch and wallet too. His tv will have a HD cable box added to it too. Santa was really good to the Moon kids.

There were too many gifts to list as this didn't include all the things they got from Brian and I. What a wonderful Christmas it was for them!

Christmas Eve was spent with my family and while Macy and I were feeling sickly we still had a really nice time. It seemed to be very calm considering there were 9 kids involved. We had a good meal and enjoyed each person opening their gifts. Collin was the lucky Moon to get the box of Moon Pies from Aunt Kristi and Uncle Randy.

Christmas night we shared with Brian's parents and brother and his family. We had a great spread of appetizers and dips. There was shrimp cocktail and crab legs too!  The cookies , candies and cakes were yummy too. I wish I had a picture of it all.

 There was a snag in a few presents and I felt bad since I picked them all out but it's nothing we can't get straightened out. We are blessed to be living close to our families that we can spend time with them on the holidays but also be home . We did miss both our Grandmothers this year as they were both at their homes because they were sick.  Here is a picture of Molly and Hudson playing with glasses at Maw and Das's house.

Last night and today I spent cleaning, laundry and putting things away. The kids have been very busy playing and spending time with friends. Christmas seemed to get here really fast this year. I am not even rushing to take down my tree. Probably by Tuesday or Wednesday I will get to it.
I look forward to the coming year and getting back to my work outs again. Life will be really back to normal then.