
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Keeping it Real

This is a post in which I  complain. I do try not to do it often but this is about my real life and I want  to be able to look back and remember these crazy days too.

There is the saying about how you can't make everyone happy all of the time and that's exactly where I am right now. Taking control of my health and taking care of the responsibility of my family takes up most of my time and sucks out much of my energy. Some priorities had to shift when I set out on this journey and that has cause myself some strife.  

One thing I had not wavered from has been letting the kids be involved in extra curricular activities. I strongly believe that this is good for them and will help them in the future. Having the sense of team and belonging to a group is important for self esteem. Filling their spare time with practice and structure is good for growing preteens and teens in my opinion , too much spare time leads to boredom and trouble. Giving the kids opportunity to explore their own interest now could help direct their futures. When else in life will they have the chance to find their passion other than when they have the most free time?  Luckily for me the kids have been understanding on taking turns on who is involved in what and when. I have had to call in favors at times from the grandparents to get certain kids to and from practice but it works out and I know this is the right thing to do . I have no regrets there.

But all of that takes up time as does my spending time at the gym, at boot camp or running. Those are things I now place great importance on for my own future and health. I see a healthy me is also an investment  not only me but the future of my family and kids. Every day I do pretty much the same chores. Most days start with going through every room upstairs and tossing down laundry, collecting any dishes and trash from each room and doing basic tiding up. Once that is done it's on to down stairs do the same. Time to start some laundry,dishes and sweep up . I usually repeat this order several times during the day as there is plenty of laundry and dishes to do. Having 2 little boys home with me means more dishes and crumbs on the floor all day long. By early afternoon I am thinking about what to make for dinner and start preparing. The afternoons are a rush and if I don't start early I won't get it all in. Afternoons are usually snack time, some outside play time, dinner, homework, clean up,showers, all of this in between taking people here and there and sometimes bootcamp for me.  It is a pretty full day and I haven't touched on doing anything extra like cleaning out the little boys closet which is mostly full of out grown clothes or included vacuuming and mopping after a certain 2 year old emptied out an entire bottle of baby powder or spilled windex.

It's just plan busy and it's the job I have right now. I am not super woman , I can't do everything I'd like to do at once. Things fall by the wayside. I need rest and sleep, I need a break from the daily chores too. They are still here waiting on me when I get home from a pedicure or lunch with a friend.  The kids do pitch in but not usually without being reminded by me . But we couldn't do all we do without their help for sure and they do far more then the average kids their age.

I was interrupted about 10 times to write this post no news there. And Hudson just left a pile of cracker crumbs on my bed which I must clean it up or be reminded of them come 11 o'clock when I fall into bed and wonder what those crumbs under me could be. This is my life right now and I can't make everyone happy all the time, I can't get everything in this house in order at the same time. But I can do my best to the tread water and weather the storms holding tight to an umbrella just large enough to cover those closest to me. This time will be a fleeting memory soon I just know it. We are embarking on having 5 kids in school full time, 1 child driving, no one in diapers . But for now I am just doing the best I can and I have to remind myself that has to be good enough.

I didn't write this post earlier today directed at anyone but maybe myself. This was just what was on my mind today. I know I will look back at this post in years to come and remember the organized chaos that my life is right now. When you are going through a hectic time you have to believe this will not be forever and with growing children I know its temporary. Trying to enjoy this moment in time but also looking forward to the future.