
Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Peter Pan

I have talked before about the upcoming spring school play. I was all excited a few months back with Macy playing the part of Wendy and Logan was Mister Smee.

All the while Logan had his feathers alittle ruffled over his part feeling like it wasn't a leading roll and as a 8th grader he deserved better role. Logan added so much to the play, his goofy comedic side made Smee a favorite character to the audience. I watched the play myself a handful of times and every single time he made me crack up. He was so believable and gave it his all. He was the perfect fit for the role and he shined.

Macy did a awesome job with not just her lines but the solo and dance she had to do all 8 performances! She gave the play feeling and emotion . The song was great too and every time it seemed to get better and better. Seeing Macy center stage singing gave me flash backs to her singing her first solo in the role of Mother Goose back when she was in first grade.

Words can not express how proud I am of my kids. They are talented no question. I helped backstage for several shows and it was interesting to observe the cast getting nervous right before the show began. If Logan and Macy got nervous you couldn't tell , they shine on stage and I hope they stick with acting for years to come.