
Friday, August 26, 2011

Wed-Fri Time Flies

So I said I would post everyday but maybe that should have been I'd LIKE to post everyday. Some days it just doesn't happen but I am making note so I can update with what I have been up to.

On Wednesday , I had till 3 o'clock without children a first in forever. I got up and did my normal room cleaning,dishes, laundry duties and took the opportunity to go to Hobby Lobby all alone. A place where I love to browse which is totally boring to a little boy. I was home with the school kids and knew my training schedule still had me slated for a 45 minute bike ride. What better way to get that in than a 1 hour spin class.  Molly,Parker and Collin went along and played basketball and ran the track. It was a hard spin class because it was an endurance ride.

Spin class was killer due to my very sore legs from the hard workout on Wednesday but I pushed myself hard and stuck it out the whole hour.

Thursday I had a rest day and spent some time doing a makeover on my old Valentine wreath to turn it into my new Bama wreath for football season. Speaking of football season, Logan (#50) had his first Varsity game of the season last night. Sadly it wasn't a win but it was a interesting game none the less.

Fridays training schedule listed a 45 minute run. Before I could get to that I had a lunch date with this little cutie.

I admit wasn't feeling too confident about the run today but I was going to give it my best. Recently I have been reading how for long races a consistent pace was the better way to go. I set the treadmill at 6.0 and got to running. Around the 22 minute mark I was thinking how it seemed to be dragging on. I reasoned with myself I had to at least get to the 30 minute point before slowing. When 30 minutes rolled around I could see and end in sight so I just kept running. Before I knew it I only had 5 minutes left so I increased the pace to 7.5 and ran out the last bit. I was pleased that yes I was sweating alot I wasn't in any pain and my breathing was just fine.  I decided since I was feeling good  I would hit the pool for a 20 lap swim. I did all freestyle nonstop and knocked out those 20 laps in about 11 minutes. Not bad after a 45 minute run! The training is really paying off for sure.