
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Count down

I am less than 1 month away from very first triathlon. There is still alot of training to do between now and then. All this training doesn't stop life from happening with the family either.

Just this past week we started the school year and things are starting to find a new groove. Hudson went to the dentist for the very first time. He has been wearing undies and going potty since Thursday. We have turned the corner and he is able to stay dry and clean all day the last 2 days. The days of diapers are ending and I couldn't be more thrilled.

I have decided from now until my Triathlon (September 18th) I will do my best to blog every day . I want to record this time to look back on. My blog will temporarily take a break from being mostly about family life and more about my journey for the next few weeks.

On Saturday I took off in my neighborhood on my bike. The bike portion is my weakest area, the run and swim I feel good about. I have very little experience on a road bike and I am abit afraid of it. Going to fast scares me, switching gears is alittle tricky and while I am in good shape for riding I lack the confidence. While on my ride I was chased by 2 angry dogs. These dogs barked , growled and jumped toward my handlebars trying to bite me for about 1/2 a mile. I pedaled quick as possible while yelling No! No! to get them away from me. One of the dogs managed to graze my hand with it's teeth but nothing serious. After getting past the dogs I decided to go a bit further and call Brian to meet me and drive me back home so I didn't have to encounter the dogs again. I did manage to get in 5 miles and I wasn't that worn out. Some way some how I have to get in more actual bike practice.

Today was a gym and swim day. The whole family went down to the YMCA for some recreation . Macy and I headed to spin class and it was with my favorite instructor. I love this instructor because she is a cyclist and she has a really hard class. The class was great and I was dripping sweat and feeling good about completing the 1 hour class strong.

After the class it was time to hit the pool for my swim. Brian counted my laps and watched my time. In the past I have done both freestyle and breaststroke during my swims. My freestyle is much faster but breaststroke allows me to catch my breath. As I started swimming today I was thinking I wanted to do my freestyle as long as I possibly could. When I got to 15 laps I felt encouraged to make it 20 and when 20 came easy I decided I would push myself to 30 laps. I DID IT! I did 30 laps in 15 minutes all freestyle and I felt amazing!