
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Monday-Tuesday Update

Yesterday was a day of rest from my training schedule. While I may have not hit the gym I did work all day long at the house. I totally cleared out,leaned and rearranged Collin and Hudson's room. Then I detailed all the floors upstairs on my hands and knees going around the baseboards. All of that was on top of the normal chores of dishes, laundry ,sweeping and picking up around here.

Today was back to the gym. My training schedule had me doing a 30 minute run. I knocked out a 5k on the treadmill in that 30 minutes then went over to do 5 miles on the bike. Then it was up to the kettle bells were I did some arm work, some squats, kettle bell swings,crunches, and a few other stomach exercises. It was a good workout and I felt great leaving the gym know what I had gotten accomplished.

Hudson wore underwear the whole time I was at the gym and stayed dry . He deserved a treat for that so we went to the store and did alittle shopping.

This morning I had some leftover grilled chicken and 2 fried eggs for bunch. And threw together some healthy soup of dinner in the crockpot. I am loving healthy soups lately. Its just so easy to threw abunch of veggies in and let it cook into something yummy.