
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Oh Santa

Last night was our annual Santa picture at the mall. I picked a Wednesday night thinking it would probably be the best option left. And I was right! We found a parking spot right away, we walked right up to the desk and got our picture form. And within a minute we were having a picture snapped. I think all of it happen alittle fast for Hudson because he put the death grip on my shirt and started to tear up as soon as I sat him on Santa's knee.

I had for warned the lady to just snap a picture even if there were screams and tears. That I was fine with purchasing it anyways. Hudson looks terrified and I wish they had moved Logan in further but it was pretty quick and painless for everyone involved.

Collin told Santa he'd really like a racing bike, Molly asked for some fuzzy socks and when Santa questioned Macy she said a new purse. Parker hung back with Santa while we walked away asking Santa for his own cell phone (HA! Not happening) good thing Saint Nick always has to ask Mom for approval of all gifts brought on Christmas Eve. I bet you Molly might be the only kid in town who just asked for socks. Hudson wasn't sticking around to read his list this year but I am sure Santa understood.

We had dinner and drove home singing some silly songs that the kids reminded me I used to sing to them. It was a nice time and another item off the to-do list.