
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year New Look

You have probably noticed the blog has a different look. There is just something about knowing a new year is on the horizon that makes me want to change things around. I guess it's the out with the old in with the new mindset.

Changes like that aren't just stopping at the blog they are happening on the home front too. Yesterday after alittle bribery and some gnashing of teeth Macy helped me detail the kitchen. We scrubbed the kitchen cabinets with a toothbrush, and did a deep cleaning of the baseboards and doors. With eight people constant in there things get out of control quick and it one of those things that usually gets skipped on the to-do list. It is time for a new look in the kitchen for sure. My once loved chicken pictures are on the way out as well as my black and white accents. I am not exactly sure what it is I want , But a fresh coat of red paint is for sure because I do still like the color just not sure what else. I guess I'll do some looking at magazines for inspiration.

The night before I had removed all Christmas decor,cleaned and rearranged the living room. I moved some new pieces of furniture in and switched out some things on the wall. I am searching for the perfect area rug with the perfect price too help finish the look I want. The mantel needs some more decorative touches with some color as well. But seeing something different in here makes me happy.

As for the bribery with Macy . We moved her room around too. We created a sitting area using a chair we already had with better lighting for reading or computing. We changed up the things on her walls too. Macy likes to have everything out in the open which drives me crazy. With the new arrangement of her room it isn't as noticeable when you walk by her door. She was very happy with her new layout and since it didn't cost me anything I am happy too.

I am working on little projects here and there when I can this week. Trying to get some more cleaning out done before our busy schedule resumes next week. I am hopeful that we will get Hudson's room painted this weekend and I can start decorating it, yippee! If painting goes well maybe the boys room will get painted sooner rather than later. I will try to update with pictures once the projects get wrapped up. If you don't hear from me anytime soon , please send help . :)