
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blame it on Mom

When I say "Balme it on Mom" I mean that in a good way. Christmas morning for me growing up was the BEST day of the year. I don't really know how Mom always pulled off such an elaborate toy and surprise filled day every single year. I can't ever remember being disappointed over the gifts not one single time. She would manage to get us exactly what we wished for and surprise us with something would could only hope for. Our den was always a sea of presents and it would take us some time to gather all the loot and move it to our bedrooms. I never knew Christmas any other way. I am sure the impending hoilday stressed Mom out over buying the perfect gifts and I bet there was alot of planning and penny pinching done by her to get it all done in time.

In my mind I want to repeat the Christmas's of my childhood because they were the BEST EVER. I have to remind myself I have to repeat this time 6 kids, and Brian makes sure to remind me when I am freaking out this time of year. So I stress myself out , the worrying starts before Halloween. I try to make sure each childs stash looks pretty equal , now with older ones and the middles I try to stay around the same dollar amount. I try to get them useful things but also stuff from their wish list and some little surprises.

So I blame Mom for making me have such awesome memories to compare to. She's such an over achiever anyways! Thanks Mom for all your effort it did not go unnoticed.

The pictures below are of Christmas morning 2001. Parker's first Christmas. Logan age 5, Macy age 4,Molly age 2 and Parker 5 months.
This was the age when Macy and Molly were into anything girly and Princess stuff. Molly was crazy over Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore. Logan loved Spider man, robots, scooby doo and blocks. Back in the days before their list contained expensive electronics or designer clothes. The time of their childhoods you could fill a room full of toys for a few hundred dollars. Wow, how times have changed.