The day has come so fast that my first born becomes a teenager. It wasn't that long ago that I was sick every single day of the the 42 week pregnancy. Logan was named after the comic book character Wolverine from the Marvel comics. Brian had been an avid collector for years so this has meaning to us. We picked William after my Dad's middle name and decided our next boy would be James after Brian's father.
I remember holding you for the first time and I was just amazed that you were so beautiful. My days soon filled with making sure your every need was met. Making sure you wore several outfits a day so you could wear ALL those cute little clothes before you outgrew them. You quickly grew into a toddler who loved Barney which we watched it several times a day along with reading your favorite books over and over.
We have cheered you on during countless soccer and football games. We've been to school open houses,spelling bees and play productions. We have been your biggest fans and toughest critics.I remember the first time you read a book, rode a bike and lost a tooth so clearly. All the late night help homework and burning my fingers with hot glue making last minute projects. Just a few memories of fleeting moments of your childhood.
But those days just flew by and today we enter a new phase "the teenage years" are here. But I think we'll be okay through it all because your smart kid and have a kind heart. During this time I am sure you will think I am unfair to you, that you know way more about the world than I do. And that your friends have a better life than you do. But the truth is I do everything because I love you even if it means making you mad. Logan, you are my Son and there is nothing I won't do for you if you give me the chance. Life is sometimes about learning the hard way just like when you were learning to walk. I would hold my breath with my arms out stretched as you toddled around hoping you wouldn't fall but trying to protect you if you did. My hopes for you are that your Dad and I have raised you with good values and morals that you can spread your wings and find independence, always having pride in yourself and your actions too. Happy 13th Birthday Logan! I hope it's a great year for you.We all love you very much!
Logan is in 13 year old heaven right now. He received an xbox 360 with all the bells and whistles and enough games from the family to keep him busy for a good while. He was happy with the clothes I picked out too . His Godparents gave him the perfect gift for a guy his age MONEY. Thanks everyone for making Logan's day special.