Isn't Hudson's Bam Bam shirt adorable!?! It was a birthday present from his Godparents, they obviously know him pretty well because he is strong as an ox.
Hudson went in for his 1 year check up yesterday. Sure, he is 13 months old now but with the craziness of summer why rush in just to be weighed and measured and get 2 shots? Huddy weighed in at 20 pounds 4 oz which is pretty typical for my babies. We went over the normal things like what he eats (everything in sight)and what tricks can he do( wave,clap,dance,and shake his head no). He is not walking independently yet but can push around a toy of chair. He climbs the stairs with lightening speed but doesn't have interest yet to figure out how to go down them backwards.
Hudson liked the doctor but was terrified of the stethoscope (like death grip around my neck and tears).And the doctor got to see how very strong Huddy is when he attempted to look in his ears. The best news of the day was the tubes in his ears look good. Woohoo and High Fives!