
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Where has time gone?

While looking through pictures tonight I had a little trip down memory lane. I kept thinking, where did time go?? And when did my kids get so big?? This picture was almost 4 years ago. Alot has happen since then, we have moved twice and added another member to our family .

During the day to day grind it's hard to remember these times are fleeting moments in ours lives . I can get so wrapped up in making sure teeth are brushed, homework is done and bellies are full that I often don't make sure I savor the moments that are passing so fast.

This picture was taken before we had such things entered our lives like loose teeth ,training bras, playstation, and the need to have several copies of the same cd so everyone has a copy . Once life slows down enough to soak it all in they will be leaving the nest. I guess I better just keep snapping pictures so I can reminisce from time to time.