
Monday, February 02, 2009

50 pounds gone

Excuse the blurry picture but I wanted to show you these jeans that I was wearing just in September that are now 3 sizes too big. I have been really trying to change my lifestyle to make changes that I can forever live with. I am beginning to like my workouts and am getting some strength back. I have a ways to go but I will take it slow and do it the right way. No magic plan or pills just the old fashion way of counting calories, cardio workouts and weight training. I have 15 pounds to reach my next mini goal that I hope to reach by May. Wish me luck!

Going public about losing weight is a scary thing. I am really trying to face my fears and am doing alot of reading to education myself on losing weight in a healthy manner and changing behaviors so that I can keep it off. I am sure like everything else there will be bumps in the road but I know I need to do this for my overall health and well being. I want to be the best Mom for my kids and taking time to care for myself will benefit them in the long run. I will have alot of grandkids to spoil someday aand I want to be around to enjoy it!