Back eight years ago when the doctor suggested we have our C-section on November 11th which was also Veteran's Day. My mom commented on how Molly would not receive a birthday card through the mail on her actual birthday because the mail wouldn't run on Veteran's Day . When you are HUGELY pregnant any day is a good day to have a baby so we went with 11-11-99.
Molly weighed at 9 lbs 2 oz's and still holds the title as being my biggest baby. She had dark brown hair and as a newborn she had a natural scowl .That may sound mean but it's the truth, I loved her to pieces but I was the first to point out these unique things about her. Molly was a light sleeper and only spent a few nights in our bedroom before we realized that we were the ones disturbing her sleep so she moved out to the big crib. Molly was a good baby, she fit well with the flow of the other 2 kids. By 6 months old Molly looked nothing like her birth pictures. She had thinned out, lost the dark hair, she sprouted whitish blond hair and she could smile.
Not to long after Molly's 1st Birthday we started to notice so things were wrong. She would scream out in pain at diaper changes. She also would cry more without reason. It took us 6 months to know in our hearts this wasn't teething or some stage . We took her in to talk to her doctor. After looking Molly over well , she suggested blood work. Long story short and many many doctors visits later she was diagnosed Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Molly hasn't really known life without pain and medicine. But in many ways thats good because she just accepts her illness and her limitations. She is a tough cookie and so determined. I know she will not be defined by her JRA.
People constantly comment on Molly's pretty hair and how cute she is. She eats this up. Molly is still so unique and that gets peoples attention.
Molly is an animal lover to the core,
She is her Daddy's girl.
She is strong and she is brave.
She is sensitive in so many ways.
A Cowgirl, a photographer ,or vet she will be,
There are so many places she wants to see.
She will go far this I know,
With her beautiful smile,curls and bow.
Happy 8th Birthday Molly Ann!