
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fourteen Wonderful Years

Hi, its Brian. I am hijacking the blog today to tell you that it is our 14th wedding anniversary. Sometimes it seems like yesterday and sometimes I can't remember life any other way. There have been good times and bad. But, there has never been any question about where I wanted to be for the rest of my life.

This picture is pretty typical of us. She looks beautiful and I look goofy. Of course, I would not want it the other way around. We have come a long way in 14 years. Well, almost 16 years total now. We were engaged almost 15 years ago.

This may be my last anniversary after showing y'all that photo. That was the night I offically proposed. If you get out your magnifying glass and then look real hard you can see the modest ring I was able to buy her. I promised her the Moon that night and while I have not roped it in yet, we have brought six little Moons into the world together.