
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Reasons for being a bit busy

1. Homecoming festivities. Helping prepare for the event. Including the parade and the game day events. Football every Saturday all-day-long for the last 8 weeks . Which is now over and it couldn't have ended soon enough for me this year.

2.Attending field trips. Not because I just love going to the pumpkin patch for the hundredth time but because it's a huge deal to the little pumpkin patch goer that I can share in such an event.

3.Fall festival at school. Our class won best booth for 2nd grade and the prize was cash to be used for something new for the classroom. The kids loved playing Candyland at our booth. It was both educational and fun!I put a few days work into with the help of the other room Mom. Time consuming yet fun for the kids.

4. Halloween. For a person with a few kids this isn't such a hurdle but it is like putting on a production for the kids at my house who like to think of costumes you just don't buy off the rack. (pictures coming). The kids got a good bit of wear out of them by not just Trick 0rTreating but also wore them to a festival at a local church on Wednesday night before. Sure fun for the kids but work for me.

5. Cleaning up and griping about all the candy wrappers and sucker sticks that have been laying around. Because 5 kids can really get a ton of candy and we all know how hard it is to actually walk to the trash can.

6. Cooking meals, washing clothes, doing dishes and being the over all Bossy butt of my family. Making sure teeth were brushed , homework was done , feeding and diapering the littlest member. And the list goes on and on.

So all in all it's busy and at times the chores that keep my head above water is all that gets done. Sometimes clean enough is where the bar is set. Someday these times will be past and I hope I can look back on the job I did and be happy I was on a field trip while there was laundry piled up at home. Sure my inner neat freak hates it really hates it , but theres a life to live and therefor a price to pay for it. I am not Super woman but Wonder woman, wonder what the heck I was thinking.

I am waving hello for New Orleans. :) Miss ya'll!