After growing his hair all summer Parker finally agreed to a major hair cut. I have done my best to let him express himself with the hair over the summer , telling myself that its just hair and not worth the fight.I tried to bite my tongue I really really tried. But the hair was uncontrollable and just down right ugly looking. He is such a handsome kid usually.
The same day as his hair cut he also lost his top front tooth. So he looked so different overnight.
The next day he brought his school pictures home. OH MY they are hideous!He has his long wild hair going 50 different directions! Thankfully he can retake them this week. Pictures after PE in grade school are never a good idea.
After looking back at pictures Logan actually looks better with longer shaggy hair. But it's so thick he really needs the stylist to trim it up and thin it out just as often as he would if it was a short cut. It is funny that he is pretty picky how he wants it cut that bugs the the stylist not cut too much. Maybe soon he will try harder to make sure his clothes match (BTW Logan ,Navy and Black don't match). I can dream can't I? He seems to always have a girlfriend even with his odd fashion choices. I guess us females like a challenge and to fix things. Haha!