
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Collin's 2nd Surgery

Click on picture to enlarge

Collin had the tubes in his ears redone and his adenoids removed on Friday. He did really well considering we had to be at the hospital at 5 am with no food or drink since the night before. Thankfully Mimi met me at the hospital to help entertain the little guy before surgery. Collin was a silly goose after he received the relaxation medicine, he was making funny faces and flashing a cheesy grin at us. The surgery didn't slow him down much and he acts like he feels so much better already.

Silly Parker

Parker made a puppet at school last week. He said it was his twin brother and named him Max. Parker has a HUGE imgination , so much so that he gave Max a happy ear and a sad ear. If you want to tell him good things you must talk into the happy ear and sad/bad things you have to use the sad ear. WHERE does this kid come up with this stuff???? Oh the hat is from the circus it came FREE with a $10 bag of cotton candy, how nice of them!