
Monday, August 29, 2011

The Weekend

On Saturday I was really feeling sore from my workouts from the week. I took my day off as the triathlon plan had me scheduled for and I didn't feel bad about it. I did alittle piddling around the house, went for a pedicure and picked up a few things at the grocery. Saturday night we had a get together with friends where we all brought some appetizers. I took my hot pizza dip and pigs n blanket. There was sausage cheese dip and chips ,chicken salad croissants  and more . I ate a little of everything and felt no guilt because I knew it was a rare treat and I had worked very hard all week. 

On Sunday I was slated a 1 hour bike ride. I had asked Brian during the week could we PLEASE make it to Oak Mountain State park so I could ride there. The roads are made for bikers there are no angry dogs to attack me and the speed limit is strictly enforced. I could bike safely without fear. I tried to talk myself out of going but Brian didn't let me and we loaded up and headed off. Once there we headed back to the fishing pond which is 7 miles from the entrance. We unloaded the bike and off I went. Oh Man the first part was hill after hill. At one point I got off my bike walked over to Brian's car as he followed behind me and said those dreaded words "I can't do this!" he asked me if I was just going to give up during my race . I answered NO and with attitude I started pushing my bike up the last of the steep hills all in a row. I pushed it about half way up, I caught my breath and jumped back on. It was HARD but I made it those 7 miles without getting off the bike again.

I did not have my music on my ride but I was able to focus my thoughts by talking to my bike. Maybe that is weird but  during this ride I began to think of my bike as my partner in this. Kinda like we are in this together good or bad and while I am in control of her she is also helping me reach the finish line. Maybe you have to do it to understand but it helped me get thru the miles without my music. Go ahead call me crazy , it's okay. :)

I was very hot, very thirsty and shaky once I reached the entrance that was our stopping point. I did manage to focus myself enough to make it there and I felt a sense of pride. I could see ways I could improve my ride. I MUST buy myself a camel back water pack. I just don't do well with the bike water bottle. It's hard for me to handle while riding and the water got very hot so it wasn't refreshing.

Once I finished my 7 mile bike we went straight to the lake. I  had on my race outfit so I just threw on the swim cap and goggles and swam my way out past the people swimming at the beach. I swam straight across the shore line of the lake without stopping. I was slowed by the waves from the boats alittle, I occasionally looked forward to keep my end destination in sight but I did the swim in the lake with ease and could have went further. The swim felt really good after the heat of the bike ride.  We loaded up and headed home while we talked over what I need to work on and when I would do the ride again for my practice.

I came home and crashed on the couch. I was worn out. We had dinner and I snoozed some more. I woke up and checked my phone. I pulled up my email and couldn't believe my eyes Komen Tri for a Cure CANCELLED! What! No Way!!!! I freaked out a little I felt kinda angry that with 3 weeks to go they cancelled it! Brian and I hoped on the computer and searched quickly for my next option.  We found one in Knoxville , TN the very same day. It was still open to late registration. The swim is 300m in a pool(which is short and easy) the Bike is 7 miles (on a flat and just and out and back, and hey, I did 7 miles of HILLS today without dying, I got this!) the run is a 5k which is 3.1miles (I ran nearly 5 miles on Friday I can totally do this).  So we changed our hotel to Knoxville we registered for the new triathlon the Anchor Splash Tri 2011 Sept 18th. And the training continues with the same date it works out perfect.

Maybe it is somehow meant to be. Maybe I need this somewhat easier start to my adventures as a Triathlete. I know this is JUST my beginning and I am already looking ahead at what event I want to do next. I plan to rock this sprint and keep up my training as if I was doing the more difficult race.  Stay tuned this seems to be getting interesting.

Big Lessons Learned:
1. I CAN'T is not acceptable , there is more than one way to skin a cat and if I have to push my bike up Mt. Everest I can STILL reach the top in due time. Focus the attitude to reach my goal.
2. Nothing is set in stone , I have to roll with the punches. Cancel on me if you want but I will just replace you!