
Monday, August 15, 2011

1st School Day

It's that time again. New shoes, new backpacks and supplies galore x 5 this go around. Today was the first day of school and of course there were a few hiccups in the bus schedule.

There is no first day picture of Logan because his bus appeared at 6:40 this morning which is 20 minutes earlier than last year. I give that a BIG thumbs down. Macy and Molly rode to school with their friends today but they also will be catching the 6:40 bus each day . I can for see the girls primping on the school bus because they ran out of time.

Collin and Parker's bus came around 7:30 and they were both excited. Little did they know they wouldn't get home till 4:15 due to a bus mishap and a teacher not allowing them on the first load. The driver assured me tomorrow they will be home at 3.

With everyone off to school I did my normal chores. Laundry, dishes and picking up and straightening all the bedrooms. Man it was nice to get all that done in no time flat. I had Hud's up and we were headed to the gym so I could make the 8:45 spin class. Hudson loved playing with the kids there and I was able to get my swimming in today too. We came home for lunch, more chores and a quick nap. We will get into a new routine soon which will be so nice.

I have alot of blogging to catch up on so expect several post this week.

For the record this year Logan is in 10th grade @  the High School, Macy is in 9th grade @the High School, Molly is in 6th grade @ the Middle school, Parker is in 5th grade @ The Elementary school and Collin in Kindergarten @ The Elementary school.