
Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Day four

I spent some time today working on those resolution I had posted about earlier this week. I cleaned out and reorganized my collection of shoes. I really did get rid of about 10 pair that I no longer care for. There is a system to this mess but it probably only makes sense to me. Brian was sure I could only possibly need 15-20 pairs . Haha he must be joking right? I did a little Googling and informed him the average woman my age has 40-60 pairs of shoes. I think I fall into the average because I have some more shoes in the bottom of the tv cabinet in our bedroom. While I was moving things around I dusted and vacuumed our room too. It was nice to check one thing off the to do list.

Hudson was about to dig in to his dinner. I am happy that he ate the chicken and the broccoli. He left most of the mac and cheese but I can't fuss because I'd rather him eat his veggies. He is talking so much lately. He understands things pretty well too. It's nice he is reaching the age where he can be reasoned with. He loves to go and if someones leaving the house he always wants to go too. This causes some tears so we often have to get crafty about slipping out while he is occupied. We are talking about the potty with him. He is scared of it and even the little potty. It will happen in time and I just hope its a smooth process. Collin seemed to take forever and I do not want to go down that path this time. Brian pointed out the other day how much Hudson talks about his self in 3rd person. He will say " Is this Huddy's plate?" so I am trying to make myself aware of this and correct him. It is kinda cute but I can see where it could start a bad habit for the future. I still get tickled when he ask to "Get his dress on" when he wants to get dressed. That's one of those saying I will have to remember to tell him about  when he's a big kid.