
Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 16

 Brian made us a steak tonight before he heads to California for a few days. Here is a picture of my plate and it was so good. I also had a toss salad with Light Italian dressing. I am making a conscious effort to cut back on my carb in take.  It is a little blurry but here is a shot of the crew about to chow down.
 My dessert and a precious memory of my Ninny Ann (grandmother on my Mom's side). My Ninny would eat cottage cheese and fruit as a dessert or snack. I never took her up on her offer to make me some because I knew my Papaw would be having his nightly ice cream and I was sure to get some.  My Ninny was always a very healthy eater and a thin woman. But she was the only female I knew who wore a girdle all the time. My grandmother was sporting Spanx before Spanx were cool!

 I have some many good memories of her and staying with them at their house. Memories of her reading me the comics or making shadow puppets on her bedroom wall as we went to sleep at night. She would often talk to herself while she cleaned around the house or cooked dinner and I would constantly be thinking she was talking to me.
She read the newspaper everyday and we always watched the nightly news. My Ninny liked television gameshows like The Price is Right, $10,000 Pyramid and Wheel of Fortune. She was fun loving and kind. She would do anything for us grandkids .

I can close my eyes and remember all the details of spending the night with them. I can hear their voices and their laughter . Around the time I got married Alzheimer's had begin to slowly change my Ninny. It may have changed her personality but I remember how she really was and I love that I was able to spend so much time with her then. It was a slow sad process but Ninny passed away after a couple of years of being in a nursing home. I couldn't help but to feel relieved that she was out of pain and reunited with my Papaw in heaven.  It's funny how a simple bowl of cottage cheese and fruit can remind me of so much.