
Thursday, September 08, 2011

Brace Yourself

Today was the day Molly has been waiting for. The day she got her top braces put on. She is our 3rd child to go down the road of braces . The boys didn't seem to be all to thrilled with the braces but Molly has been counting down the days for awhile. We have learned a few tricks over the years and I made sure she went ahead and took some Tylenol before dropping her off at school after her appointment. Also I checked the pantry for chicken noodle soup and supplies for grill cheese for her dinner. Check Check!

This weeks workouts have been pretty good. I am feeling over all soreness which is reassuring that I am working hard. Next week will be an easy week to save my body for the big race on Sunday. I was eager to get back to the gym Tuesday. Taking those few days off were good for me to miss it and look forward my gym time. On Tuesday I ran a 5k on the treadmill with hill intervals in under 30 minutes. I then did a series of boot camp exercises with weights and then rode the bike on a high resistance for 3 miles. I woke up Wednesday very sore but I made it to spin class. This class is becoming a favorite, I am getting familiar with some of the regulars and with it being a small class it is very interactive which helps the hour pass quickly. Considering my thighs were already so sore from the day before the hills we did in spin class seemed like mountains but I pushed through . I was drenched with sweat and worn out but I made it and never quit. I might have moaned and groaned a good bit but everyone ones so I was with good company.

I was noticing last night just in the last few months since taking up cycling and spin class my legs have changed. The biggest difference is the bulge above my knee. I thought to myself what is that as I felt it. And it dawned on me its a MUSCLE! A muscle I never really knew I had till now. I tried to take a picture and this is the best I could do, you can kinda see the right above my knee.

Today's training is a 30 minute run and I plan on doing that in the neighborhood this afternoon. My eating this week had been perfect. I haven't been tempted and was happy to fill my grocery cart with lots of veggies and fruits this week. I have either had eggs or a Cliff protein bar every morning too. Just 10 days away till my big day and I feel excited and READY!