
Monday, December 20, 2010

Mom's Birthday

Today we celebrated Mom's birthday here at my house. I took the easiest way out and ordered a variety of pizzas. I figured it was win win for me less mess and everyone (the kids)  enjoyed it . I did make a big salad and cheese sticks to go with it. It was a nice smooth party and Dad brought a really good red velvet cake for dessert.

Sadie my niece spent the night with us  tonight.I had promised they could make gingerbread house earlier in the day. I had bought a new kit that was a little village . Boy was I surprised when I opened it up to realize I had to put it together and make the icing myself.I have been spoiled to the already assembled kind with the icing packet.  That icing was a huge mess it was as thick as toothpaste. With a 4 and 5 year eager to get going I sort of just slapped the pieces together.

I might not have done it correctly but they didn't seem to care or notice. I nicknamed the houses the Gingerbread Projects because of there poor construction and horrible paint job on the icing. But the decorating was done by true artist I tell you! They had a ball and we made a major mess. Of course Collin was mad we only did one house each but I was worn out for having to use a death grip to get any of the icing out. Sadie proclaimed "Gingerbread houses are the mostest fun ever" but was fine with just making one and then watching The Grinch movie.

                            Collin's on the left    Sadie's on the right
The kids were pretty excited they ran around laughing for awhile. Finally I got everything cleaned up and got them settled in the bedroom. They were still alittle wild so I told them to plug up the Christmas tree and turn out the rest of the lights. The calmed right down and started to sing Christmas songs together. It was priceless to hear the singing of their little voices coming down the hallway. After a few songs they were quiet for the night.