| Logan- The absent minded professor, math team member, football player, wrestler, actor, xbox addict, witty, forgetful, jokester, easily annoyed, smart,good big brother, messy, greatful, loving almost 14 year old. |
| Macy- The fashionable , texting, cheerleader, actress, klutzy, responsible,slow moving, hair straightening, singer, fun big sister, computing, friend loving, sweet, caring, silly 12 year old. |
| Molly- The beautiful , tomboy, softball player, eye roller, animal lover, cryer, messy, laugher, loving, sneaky, friendly, art lover, computing, disney watching, stubburn,blessed with awesome hair 10 year old. |
| Parker- The cool, great student, temper tantrum throwing, pouter, music lover, guitar playing, wii player, never forgets, clothes hound, Auburn fan,bike rider, picky eater, funny, responsible, snuggle bunny, often grumpy, great with babies 8 year old. |
| Collin- The always hungry, very cute, deep thinker, ds player, tv watching, smiler, outdoor loving, funny, awesome big brother, hugger, nature lover,bratty little brother, night owl, moody 4 year old. |
| Hudson- The very cute, awesome laugh, always thirsty, smiling, fit thrower, cookie eating, stingy kisser, shoe lover, dancer, spoiled little brother, center of attention, sometime shy 20 month old. |